Friday, May 4, 2007

Why a Blog?

Sometimes you just have to share what your thinking, you know? This blog is meant to be an outlet for my opinions and feelings. I Sometimes it may deal with politics, sometimes religion, sometimes philosophy and sometimes it will just deal with what I had for lunch. It will really depend on what I've read, heard and experienced on a given day that has started me thinking. I don't expect many people to read it (though I will be thrilled when I get my first comment) but it can at least function as an outlet for me to express what I'm thinking and feeling. Ideally, it would be great if people found my blog and started conversations in the comments.

Now a little bit about me. Like the title of the blog says I consider myself a pragmatic liberal. What does that mean? Well, in my mind it means that while I do have mostly liberal opinions, I am no ideologue - opinionated, yes, but always willing to listen to contrary arguments with an open mind. I'm a 40 year old, corporate trainer living in purple state. I was among the first generation on both sides of my family to attend college. My first experience with government was to be irritated that the Watergate hearings were preempting cartoons on a Saturday morning. I can't escape from my Catholic background - and don't know that I really want to, though the rest of my family seems to have managed.

Well, that's me in a nutshell. I'm sure that I will reveal more about myself as I continue to post to the blog. For those of you who have stumble upon this little diary, all I have to say is "Make yourself comfortable, pull up a chair, and tell me what you think about..."

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